Sunday, May 17, 2009


Big-Based Bot

This will be my second major robot.

It is a Butler Robot. It will have a 12v Mini Fridge onboard, with a springed DC Solenoid wired to a Max232 chip, to the USB of a local laptop. An onboard wireless camera will be linked to its radio receiver connected to a TV Tuner (RCA inputs) to the USB of a computer. The computer will be running image/video processing software to detect and follow distinct blobs of color, shape, etc.

The final designs with some calculations for finding the inertia of the entire robot. Really to figure out the stress placed on the wood.

(I went with 3/4" plywood) Eventually I will paint it white.

Plan rendered in Google Sketchup, obviously not drawn to scale

The two 12v 24AH batteries

Closer look

Sabertooth 2x25 Motor driver, very strong and reccommended by me! Capable of 25A load per channel, and 50A fully

The robot head next to my 1st place baseball trophy

When I received the head from this toy:

I gutted it. Of course it didnt look as nice as the model picture. I took out the leds inside as they were not bright enough, and added my own red ones for the eyes and blue leds for the headlights above (where the red and blue panels are, I took them off)

The hefty motors

~from a Jazzy 1100 Wheelchair

Edit #1:

L brackets

Caster not screwed in, because I need to first see if the wheelchair motors will have clearence, and everything would be flat. Yes I know thats alot of brackets, extra sturdiness! :)

Basic design-wood



another underside-zoomed out

Vertical slab thingy, I needed four of these guys

I am working on a better/sturdier design

yuck tape, luckily only temporary

Will probably need a stronger caster wheel

I do not think it is going to hold at all apparently, but we shall see

Future alterations:

  • Use XBee Modules... to make it go wireless
  • Upgrade Batteries to 72AH